Asociatia Familiilor Catolice Asociatia Familiilor Catolice
"începi să devii om doar atunci când ai învăţat să-ţi comanzi tu însuţi ca şi cum ai fi altul şi când, mai bine chiar decât altul, ai învăţat să asculţi tu însuţi de tine. "
Monseniorul Ghica

News International news

Work-life-balance 4.0 - conference in Bruxelles on 15th of November 2016

On Tuesday, 15 November 2016, the European Sunday Alliance, of which FAFCE is a member, will hold its next European conference in the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels.

This time we propose to focus on digitalisation and its consequences for work-life-balance and work free Sunday.

The conference gives also the opportunity to meet and exchange with high-level speakers, EU representatives and other organisations which are working on our common goals of the European Sunday Alliance.

Translation in EN, FR, DE; ES passive

Important: Access to the EESC conference building is only possible with ID-card or passport.

Note: Association of Catholic Families Vladimir Ghika is a member of FAFCE since 2011.


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