Asociatia Familiilor Catolice Asociatia Familiilor Catolice
"începi să devii om doar atunci când ai învăţat să-ţi comanzi tu însuţi ca şi cum ai fi altul şi când, mai bine chiar decât altul, ai învăţat să asculţi tu însuţi de tine. "
Monseniorul Ghica

News International news

International Day of Families 2016: Families for Families in despair

Brussels, 12 May 2016

In connection with the International Day of Families, Antoine Renard, President of the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations (FAFCE) spoke this morning at a meeting of the European Parliament Family Intergroup that took place during the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. He stressed the role of the family for society, recalling the challenges Europe is facing today, namely with regard to the migration situation: “Refugee families seek asylum on Europe as they are forced to leave their homes and countries as their security is not guaranteed. However, Europe where families are destabilised, thereby weakening society, struggles to find solutions. FAFCE calls for solutions that are agreed among the Member State, supported by the families and that respect the principle of subsidiarity.


As a federation representing families, we wish to assert our goodwill and compassion, in particular regarding the Syrian and Iraqi families affected by the asylum phenomenon.

Thus, FAFCE calls on the European Union and the governments of European countries to resolve as soon as possible the underlying factors of this phenomenon and to uncover the real reasons for all these profound sufferings. FAFCE also wants to emphasize that the family must not be regarded as a pawn that can be moved from one place to another on the world’s map, but as a resource for social development and progress. Family is the basic unit of every society.

FAFCE is ready to work together with representatives of governments and of the European Union, in order to identify common solutions for the families that are forced to leave their homes. FAFCE is willing to offer active support by involving the affiliate associations once solutions have been identified and agreed at State level.

FAFCE’s reiterates its concern and preoccupation regarding the urge to treat refugees and migrant families with respect, hope and faith, as redeeming and healing hatred, despair and disbelief.  


Contact: Maria Hildingsson, Secretary General

+32 4 70 20 39 18

Str. Gral. Henri M. Berthelot 19
sector 1, 010164 Bucureşti
Tel: 021 405 6262
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