Asociatia Familiilor Catolice Asociatia Familiilor Catolice
"începi să devii om doar atunci când ai învăţat să-ţi comanzi tu însuţi ca şi cum ai fi altul şi când, mai bine chiar decât altul, ai învăţat să asculţi tu însuţi de tine. "
Monseniorul Ghica

News International news

FAFCE Weekly news 8.10.2015



Autumn Board Meeting

FAFCE Autumn Board Meeting will take place next week, on 14-15 October, in Brussels. The Secretary General already sent you the programme and the draft agenda, together with the registration form. We look forward to see all the registered members’ representatives.


From our Members


CNAFC with the Pope in Philadelphia

Together with the French Catholic Broadcast, KTO, the Confederation of Catholic Family Associations in France made a same video reports on the World Family Meeting in Philadelphia. Click here to watch them (in French).


European Parliament                                                                                                                                          


Plenary Session

The First Part of the October Plenary Session of the European Parliament took place next week in Strasbourg. You may consult the agenda, clicking on this link. The Report on Equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation (Anna Záborská, EPP – Slovakia) has been adopted today, with the inclusion of paragraphs promoting gender ideology. These paragraphs were added at the stage of the Committee vote by S&D and ALDE Groups, and for that reason FAFCE decided to recommend to vote against this report.


European Commission


Public consultation on equal treatment of men and women on social security

The European Commission is launched a public consultation on the Directive on equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security, as part of the evaluation under the Commission's Better Regulation Framework. “The consultation will be used to collect the views to help evaluate the implementation and application the directive. The legislation dates back to 1978, and since then, European gender equality law and national social security systems covered by the Directive have been substantively developed and reformed. The Commission is therefore looking to assess the legislation in terms of the efficiency, effectiveness, coherence, relevance, sustainability and EU added-value, with a specific focus on identifying possibilities for modernisation. Contributions are welcome from all citizens and stakeholders, EU Member States, researchers, and governmental and non-governmental bodies.” The Deadline is 14 December 2015. Click here to take part in the public consultation.


European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)


Georges Dassis, new EESC President

On 7 October Georges Dassis (Greece), former president of the Workers' Group from 2008 to 2015, has been elected as the 31st president of the European Economic and Social Committee. He will head this institution with two vice-presidents, Michael Smyth (from United Kingdom, who will be responsible for budget) and Gonçalo Lobo Xavier (from Portugal, who will be responsible for communication) until 2018. Click here for more information on the new EESC Presidency.




Synod on the Family

The XIV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops started on Sunday 4 October and will last until the 25th October. Click here to have updated information from the Holy See Press Office's Communications Channel, with interviews and briefings on the ongoing discussions of the synodal fathers.

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