News International news
FAFCE Weekly news 2.10.2015
European Ideas Network
Yesterday and today FAFCE attended the Summer University of the European Ideas Network, the think tank of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, which takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark, focusing on “Security and political stability”, with the presence of many Members of the European Parliament. A panel on Bioethics and Human Dignity was organised, chaired by Mr Miroslav Mikolašik (EPP, Slovakia) , with a focus on the status of the human embryo and the information about the ongoing IPPF Scandal in the US. Click here for more information.
From our Members
Forum invites to vigil of prayer for the Synod tomorrow in Rome
The Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops will take place on October 4–25. In order to pray for the Family and for the Synodal Fathers, the Italian member of FAFCE, Forum delle Associazioni familiari, invited to a prayer vigil which will take place tomorrow evening in Rome together with His Holiness Francis, organised by the Italian Bishops’ Conference. Click here for more information (in Italian).
European Parliament
Plenary Session
The First Part of the October Plenary Session of the European Parliament will take place next week in Strasbourg. You may consult the agenda, clicking on this link. Namely the Report Equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation (Anna Záborská, EPP – Slovakia) will be discussed and voted. We are following this dossier and we will make our recommendations for the Plenary vote.
Council of Europe
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
This week the Autumn Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) took place in Strasbourg. FAFCE has being following these three reports : Freedom of religion and living together in a democratic society (adopted on Wednesday); Human rights and ethical issues related to surrogacy (adopted on Thursday); Equality and shared parental responsibility: the role of fathers (adopted today). In addition, the new Slovak Judge of the European Court of Human Rights has been voted by the Members of the Assembly on Tuesday morning, who gave a preference for Ms Alena Poláčková, who was not the candidate we were supporting. Click here for more information on this issue. A draft report on surrogacy was also presented in a meeting of the Social Affairs and Health Committee, by Senator De Sutter (Belgium, Greens). We will keep you informed on this dossier in the following weeks.
Petition against neonatal infanticide
The petition against neonatal infanticide initiated by the European Center for Law and Justice and which FAFCE promoted together with the International Catholic Bureau for the Childhood was rejected by 12 votes (against 3 in favor), according to non-official information. This does not prevent the possibility that the same dossier will be used again in the future, when the balance will be more in our favour.
CRESCENDO Newsletter
Please find enclosed the 5th Newsletter of CRESCENDO. Worldwide Christian Network For a human and Christian Ageing. The newsletter is available in English, French and Spanish.
Families And Societies’ Annual Stakeholder Seminar
The third Families And Societies’ Annual Stakeholder Seminar will be held in Brussels on 26 January 2016 from 09:00 – 14:00 in cooperation with Population Europe and the Erasmus University Rotterdam on the topic: Intergenerational linkages in the family: how policies shape the organization of caring and financial responsibilities for family members. The meeting is part of the dissemination activities of the project FamiliesAndSocieties, financed by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme. More information can be found on the websites of Population Europe and FamiliesAndSocieties
World Meeting of the Families in Philadelphia
Last week in Philadelphia the World Meeting of Families took place with Pope Francis. Our President, Antoine Renard, and some of our Members attended it. Click here for more information.
Prayer initiative for the upcoming Synod on the Family
Our Secretary General, Maria Hildingsson, informed you yesterday about a prayer initiative for the upcoming Synod on the Family which they wish to spread throughout Europe. The idea is to invite families and couples, lay people and clergy to pray every day throughout the month of October: The page is available in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Arab. A Facebook page is also available for social media: Please help spread the word by sharing with your Members and friends!